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Tips on taking product photos!

Product-Only Images:


Product-only images are images that focus on one item (that being the product).

When taking a product-only image, we encourage you to focus on the following:

  • Is the product photo clear?

  • Can you see it well against the background you have chosen?

  • Do you have the ability to take the photo with a solid background? (White pillow cases, doors, or sheets make a great background)

  • Is it obvious what item is being donated? (Try not to include other items in the photo)


Context Images:


Context images are images of your donation in use. For example, if you are selling a blouse, you may choose to wear the blouse in a photo so others can see what it might look like on them if they have a similar body type. We encourage these images just as much as product-only images, it is really just a concern of what you are comfortable with. When taking a photo of this nature, we would like you to focus on the following:


  • Are you in a well-lit environment?

  • Is there anything inappropriate in the background?

  • Are you alone in the photo?

  • Is it clear what item you are donating?

  • Are you spaced far/near enough to get a clear image?

  • If your face is in the photo, do you look happy? 



Thank you for considering making a donation to your favorite charity through Empathy Mart—we really look forward to seeing the photos that you all come up with!

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